Friday, February 25, 2005
"It's a dream, Nicole. Clearly this is a metaphor."
8th grade dances, Midweeklies, Anthony and Chris, Anthony and Chris and the handcuffs, Rockstar day, the car crash, condom day, waiting for letters, rejection letters, "Moulin Rouge" the first time, The Jessie Episode, The Prince and Me, learning to use Ajax, 6th graders Cabaret, hugging Jeremy, hugging Jeremy again, the mean kid in the trucker hat, getting my ears pierced (again), the killer Spanish Final, my lippy getting run over by a car, trip to Philadelphia, the Banana Stand's supposed "World Tour," and us chasing it, starting high school, hating high school, missing you, not being cats with Bernstein, Mexican Bible kid being a sophmore, Mexican Bible kid being Dmitriy's cousin, stalking Francisco, adventures to Aryeh's house, and countless late night adventures with you guys...
This blog has definitely had a good run. I broke the world record for use of the word "Petey Pablo," with 18 times in a single draft. Today's the blog's birthday, and in an ironic twist of fate, it dies today, also. For a look back at what's shaped StonewallJackson, I count the number of posts containing the following words:
Shmexy: 22
Nicole: 29
Bernstein: 5
Garth Brooks: 9
La Mad: 15
Rachel: 73
Michael: 23
Michael Bluth: 5
Rodney: 11
Moulin Rouge: 8
Pavel: 1
Pavlov: 1
Dmitry: 1
Hot: 65
Ryan Seacrest: 8
Juice: 4
And the count for drafts remaining unpublished for various reasons currently sits at 25.
When I look back into the archives of the site, I can definitely tell I've changed. It's good to see some change in writing, because otherwise I wouldn't notice any, since I look exactly the same. (Points to amigas.) My writing style evolved, the titles are completely different, and my focus is on different things. Stonewall Jackson would definitely be proud. So with all that, I leave you.
Nicole blew up the banana stand at 10:58 AM
name: Nicole Bluth
Quit asking me what I'm going to be when I grow up, everybody. Shouldn't it be clear to you that I'll never grow up? "I'm impolite and I make fun of everyone..." Yeah, I think you get the point...
Randoms, being random, being Jewish, The Pope, Jesus, carbohydrates, love, Moulin Rouge!, Arrested Development, Shmexers, lipgloss, secret quiche, sneaking around, big earrings, irony, the hot detective, the disabled brother, Pedro, avoiding homework, making others feel uncomfortable, bothering adults, sass, Schick Quattro guy, defending Hilary Duff.
Growing up, being told to grow up, adults who are rude to me before I even get a chance to be rude to them, punks, changes in routines, homophobes and haters, milk chocolate, blood and gore, The O.C., 15-year-olds. And I have a low tolerance for people who refuse to have fun with me.
Today's Quote
What's the new blog, if any, going to be?
Stalking Francisco!
Are you getting a new blog, or is betsy just LYING TO US!!!?!?!?!?! (hehe, jk betsY!)
I'm upset!! This is hilariosity to the maximum, (Like Max Powers) and you can't just leave like that!
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